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Academic papers on Teaching Methods & Classroom Management

Math Education / Alternative Assessment
A 7 page paper that discusses the concept of alternative assessment of mathematics. The concept of alternative assessment is the result of concern about what traditional paper and pencil tests really assess. Several alternative assessment techniques...
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The Role of the Government in Our Children
A 5 page overview of the degree of governmental involvement in our school systems. Discusses the pros and cons of privatization and summarizes that while governmental involvement is sometimes negative it is often necessary. Bibliography lists 4...
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Comprehensive Classroom Management: A Review of the Book by Vernon F. Jones & Louise S. Jones
A 5 page review of the book Comprehensive Classroom Management by Vernon F. Jones & Louise S. Jones. Includes a chapter by chapter rundown of content and applications. Emphasizes the value of preventing problems and addressing those problems when...
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Educatonal Censorship: elementary style.
(8 pp) Efforts to make fundamental changes in public schooling for the 21st century face a number of obstacles. Among the significant threats to these efforts are challenges from conservative citizen groups objecting to particular...
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To Sir with Love: A Teaching Tool
(4 pp) The 1967 movie staring Sydney Poitier is used as a tool for teaching communication skills i a classroom setting. Suggestions and reasons for the development of a lesson plan are included. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Critical Thinking in the Science Classroom
A 5 page research paper that examines how scientists are helping teachers to create science curricula that encourages critical thinking and reasoning skills. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Curriculum Reform in Education in the 1960's
(14 pp) Everything about the sixties seems to be about change, but it was curriculum reform that was going on in education. This discussion will examine some of those reforms, and note whether they are still in effect, or how they have...
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"Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls."
(3 pp) According to Myra and David Sadker (1994), "When girls do not see themselves in the pages of textbooks, when teachers do not point out or confront the omissions," these same girls, and even the ones that some of us may know, " learn...
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Color blind Perspective in Schools? Not!
(5PP) In the past, we have been led to believe that being "colorblind" in relationship to race from the perspective of education is a good thing. Now that "good thing," is being reexamined in the light of a clearer reality. This...
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Summation of Science Article
A 5 page summation of a science article by Roger Lock (1993) that appeared in Journal of Biological Education. The article discusses several content-based teaching strategies in regards to teaching biology. No additional sources cited.
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Early Childhood Education/article critique
A 5 page summation and critique of an article on early childhood education. (Adcock, S. G. and M.M. Patton (2001) Views of effective early childhood educators regarding systemic constraints that affect their teaching. Journal of Research in...
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Democratic Education
Dewey (1907) said that one goal of social institutions is to meet the changing needs of society in industry and commerce, but that is only one of many goals and should not replace the overall need to educate an individual to become his or her best...
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Copyright Fair Use Model: Education
Title 17 of the U.S. Code states copyrights are not infringed in the act of fair use in an educational setting. This includes reproduction of audio and written works used solely for the purpose of education. However, there are provisions to use; it...
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Educational Issues based on Gender
This is a 7 page paper that discusses the issue of whether or not the educational system favors boys over girls or vice versa. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Montessori Education: The Role of the Teacher
This is a 3 page paper which discusses the role of the teacher in a Montessori School. The bibliography has 3 sources.
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