Songs of Freedom
An 8 page research paper that examines the ways that Southern slaves employed music in facilitating their escapes on the Underground Railroad. The writer particularly address the song 'Follow the Drinking Gourd' and how this song aided slaves in...
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The Issue of Slavery and the US Constitution
A 10 page research paper that examines what the framers of the Constitution included regarding the institution of slavery. The writer addresses why slavery was included when, presumably, the nation was founded on principles of equality and also...
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The African American Role in The Labor Force
This three page paper discusses the theoretical perspective that African American women were instrumental in the labor movement moving forward for women in the last 150 years.
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The Emancipation Proclamation
The Civil War was the most devastating
event in the history of the United States. The political, social and
economic effects of that particular war are still being felt today. The
'cause' of the Civil War is generally understood to be the...
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Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man: The Symbolic Value of the Narrator's
This 2 page paper considers the symbolic value of the items that the narrator collects in his briefcase and those items that he eventually discards. No additional sources cited.
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Women In Slavery
The slave narrative has been a subject that has held
the interest of contemporary historians as well as literary critics. The
relative abundance of narratives of women in slavery has led to a number
of feminist perspectives. This 10 page paper...
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A Paradox of Democracy: Inequality Despite Law
An 8 page discussion of inequality in the United States. Discusses concepts such as affirmative action which was designed to overcome these inequalities. Emphasizes that despite the laws which are on the books inequalities continue to exists and...
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Criminal Sentencing: White Black and Mental
(8pp). What we will be looking at in this
discussion are basically two issues that have
somehow become enmeshed: According to Davis
(1998), more than 70 percent, of the imprisoned
population, are people of color. It is rarely...
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Hate Crimes: Still Alive in America Today
7 pages in length.
That hate crimes are still occurring in society today does not
surprise some. But the fact that there are organizations
attempting to recruit mainstream Americans into believing that
one color of skin is preferable to...
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Passing the Peace: A Comparison of King, Gandhi and Thoreau
This 5 page paper looks at the teachings of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau. Differences and similarities between the three are noted. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Race and Citizenship: Legal Cases
(6 pp). Everything changes. The legal system in
the United States is not immune to change,
particularly in the area of race relations,
citizenship and its attending rights. Four
historic legal cases reflect the attitudes of the
courts: ...
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H.D. Thoreau and M.L. King: Concerning Civil
(5 pp). Thoreau became a popular icon in the
sixties as Martin Luther King used him
as an example of the path of nonviolent resistance.
In this discussion we will see how Henry David
Thoreau in 'Resistance to Civil Government' (1849),
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Frederick Douglas as Inspiring Contributor
(8 pp) Frederick Douglass' life spanned nearly
eighty years, from the time that slavery was
universal in American states, to the time it was
becoming a memory. Douglass freed himself from
slavery, and through decades of tireless efforts...
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Sixo In Morrison's Beloved
This 5 page paper explores the validity of
an 1851 diagnosis of Dysaesthesia Aethiopica that was assigned to unruly
slaves as it applies to the character Sixo in Toni Morrison's Beloved.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Struggle -- The Heart of
This 5 page
report discusses Harriet Beecher Stowe
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