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Academic papers on Management Theory & Applied Operations Mgt.

Research And Development Project Management
An 11 page paper that discusses the management of R & D projects. There are a number of approaches that can be utilized in the management of R & D projects. Three management templates for different kinds of projects were designed by one set of...
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Performance Measurement: Critical Success Factors and Ways of Identifying Management Information Needs
This 15 page paper provides an overview of the concept of performance measurement and then considers the application for particular company structures. This paper also focuses on the application of Critical Success Factors (CSF), originally...
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Business Proposal: So-Cal Trucking.
(12 pp) This business proposal will examine a multidimensional plan of products and services for a southern California trucking business established in 1998. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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It's a Hungry World: Do Something!
(6 pp) The challenging question for discussion is: who is responsible for world hunger? What if the "who" is not a singular person, and maybe not even a group, but what if we all are? If someone had asked me, the question, I would have answered,...
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Littleton, Colorado 80101.
(12 pp) When you look at a map, you may not see Littleton, a "bedroom" community of Denver, seven miles to the south on I-25. Littleton made the news in 1999 as the site of the Columbine High School killings. Yet the reality was that...
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The Ethical Treatment of Prison Inmates.
(15 pp) The thesis question for this paper: Is the treatment of prison inmates handled in an ethical manner? Areas of medical care, mental health, and death and dying will be examined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Recycling Plastics in Dallas
(5pp) Did you know that about 1,200 soft drink and salad dressing containers could be recycled to carpet the average living room? Or that over 5 years ago the United States threw away 193 million tons of plastic, and recycled only about 5%...
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Literal Economics: E.M. Forster and Henry David Thoreau
(5 pp) One of the challenges of any piece of literature seems not to just read it for the sake of information, but to see,if there is a way that it may still apply in the lives, that we have made for ourselves today. That is the approach...
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Outline and Discussions on Reflective Equilibrium and Moral Reasoning, the Utilitarian Theory of Ethics, and Milton Friedman
This is a 7 page paper discussing aspects of moral and ethical decisions making. The theories of reflective equilibrium by John Rawls, utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill, and most recently Milton Friedman
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Employee Hiring and Retention Practices for Health Care Management
This paper looks at health care management hiring and employee retention practices addressed via job satisfaction issues based in content (external)and process (internal) modeling. Bibliography lists 6 sources. JVhcmot.rtf
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Sandy Ward
Case analysis of Sandy Ward's VIP team at AT&T and its affect on bringing about the restructuring of the Dallas manufacturing plant. The case is provided by Harvard Business School. The analysis provides recommendations for Sandy Ward's team....
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Glen Barton
4 pages. 'The Comeback of Caterpillar case under Glen Barton's strategic leadership was successfull, but his legacy may yet destroy the company in the United States, something Caterpillar has always insisted on. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Footstar Inc. Bankruptcy
A 9 page paper that provides information and data about this company beginning with a brief background report including the company's SIC number, CIK code, Ticker, and Fiscal year. The writer then explains what CR, QR, DEBT, WCAP, CAPM and WACC are...
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Gino, SA: Case Study
Case Study, Gino SA concerning expansion in China of industrial boiler and burner products by French-owned corporation under the management of David Zhou. Case looks at competition, distribution channel, three-year strategic plan, a specific crisis...
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Solaris' UFS Filing System
Solaris' UFS Filing System [ Click here to purchase this paper ] This 10 page paper provides an overview of this popular system. Several subjects are addressed including positive and negative aspects of the system. Bibliography lists 5 sources....
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