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Academic papers on Public Administration & Policy Analysis

Homeless Children And Teenagers
A 7 page paper. The number of homeless children and adolescents in the United States is a national shame and embarrassment, so concludes this writer. The paper addresses specific issues: the changing profile of the homeless; the five categories of...
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Steven Kelman/"Making Public Policy"
A 6 page analysis of Steven Kelman's book "Making Public Policy." In this book, Kelman argues the rather unfashionable view that
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The Tennessee Valley Authority
This 10 page paper provides an overview of The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) inclusive of its history and how it affects the region economically and environmentally. Recent difficulties for TVA are duly noted. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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Competitive Market / Public Goods
A 2 page paper discussing the inability of the competitive market to greatly affect public goods. Though there are areas that government function can provide greater benefits than would exist without that government involvement, government...
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Negating Supply and Demand
A 2 page paper evaluating the statement, "prices ought to be equal to marginal cost." Without the provision of equal access, public goods can all too quickly become club or even private goods that have been provided at the expense of all taxpayers...
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Efficient Production of Public Goods
A 2 page paper discussing whether majority vote can lead to efficient provision of public goods. Majority vote can result in efficient provision of public goods, but generally only to the extent that the majority votes to provide full funding...
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Welfare in Society
This 8 page paper looks at four questions poised by a student regarding the issues in the welfare system. The questions were concern the place of a competitive market in the provision of different social services, the matter of public opinion and...
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Compromise as an Enabler of Enduring Public Policy
A 5 page paper discussing whether compromise has helped or hindered formation of public policy. An ideal world likely would be one in which issues were either black or white, good or bad. Compromise results in varying shades of gray with which...
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Untied Kingdom Housing Policy; A New Labour Approach or Conservatism Under Another Name?
This 10 page paper looks at the way in which New Labour has adapted and adopted existing Conservative housing polices. The paper argues that the Labour government has undertaken a dramatic change over the past decade, from supporting state...
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The Problem of Retention in the US Navy
This 10 page paper considers the problem of retention of officers and enlisted personnel in the US Navy. This paper covers some of the basic elements of discussions around retention, including the history of the Navy, the call for downsizing under...
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Tariff Issues and Freer Trade
A 16 page paper examining whether the nation of Jordan should further reduce trade tariffs in an effort to encourage greater international trade. Jordan has worked for years to attract greater foreign investment, and it reduced trade tariffs as...
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The New San Diego Ballpark
This 5 page report discusses San Diego, California
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Power Pools In The U.S.
A 5 page paper. Power pools are groups of generators who pool their capacity. The theory is that this results in lower prices for the consumer. This paper provides an overview of power pools and lists several with their annual capacity. Bibliography...
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Microeconomic Influence and Governments' Budget Constraints
A 7 page paper discussing the implications of increasing budgetary restrictions on government at all levels. The effects of greater accountability and still-increasing budgetary restrictions is that governments are expected to operate more as...
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Law Enforcement: Paperwork
A 5 page paper which discusses the reality of paperwork in law enforcement. The paper examines the time spent, and energy spent, for correspondence, planning, reading required publications, and self-improvement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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