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Academic papers on British Literature

A Chance Encounter: Interpretations of First and Second Generation Romantic Poets
A 7 page overview of the writing styles of five first and second generation Romantic poets, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelly and Byron. Provides a fictional account of a meeting between the men where they encounter a young girl in the woods. ...
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Tess of the D'Ubervilles: Ancestry and Fate
A 3 page overview of Thomas Hardy's "Tess of the D'Ubervilles". Examines the role that Tess'ancestry had in her ultimate descent into madness and her murder of Alec D'Uberville. No additional sources are listed.
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Effects of Rapid Industrialization, Illustrated in Charles Dickens'Novel, "Hard Times"
A 5 page paper which examines the social (and economic) ills brought on by the rapid industrialization in England during the nineteenth century, the effects of which are detailed by Charles Dickens in his novel, "Hard Times." Also considered are...
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Sir Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe": Good and Evil
5 pages in length. The conflict of Sir Walter Scott's 'Ivanhoe' is clearly between opposing forces that may be conveniently labeled 'good' and 'evil,' in spite of the fact that concepts of these two particular conventional opposing forces vary with...
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The Relationship between Poet, Body, Soul, and Nature in Dickinson and Yeats
This 5 page report discusses two poems, Emily Dickinson
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Stormy Nights of Heathcliff
A 5 page research paper and analysis of the character of Heathcliff from the classic novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. The writer explores the many facets and ways that this character has been viewed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Thomas More/ "Utopia"
A 10 page research paper that focuses on Thomas More's Utopia. The writer discusses the structure of this classic work and argues that More used the sin of "pride" as his overall theme and the root of English social ills. Bibliography lists 5...
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Rudyard Kipling: A Biograpy
(5 pp) When the Swedish academy released the Award of Literature in 1907 to Rudyard Kipling, they did so with the commendation, "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable...
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Role of Children in Canterbury Tales
An 8 page research paper that, first of all, examines the role that children play in the Canterbury Tales, and then relates this to the way what historical sources say about children in medieval society. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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Jane Austen/ Sense & Sensibility
A 5 page essay that discusses the two leading female protagonists in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, arguing that the sisters Dashwood, Elinor and Marianne, are quite different on the surface, but share similar characteristics just below the...
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Edmund Spencer/Book 6 of "The Faerie Queen"
A 5 page essay that analyzes Book VI of Edmund Spenser's sixteenth century masterpiece of poetry, The Faerie Queen. This book details how Sir Calidore, the most "courteous" of knights, personifies Courtesy in Book VI of the poem. It is Calidore's...
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Charles Dickens/ Effects of Industrialism in "Hard Times"
A 5 page essay that examines Charles Dickens' Hard Times, focusing on Dickens' attitudes toward industrialism that are demonstrated in this work. The writer argues that in Hard Times, Dickens not only demonstrated the dehumanizing effects of...
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Mansfield Park and The Rape of the Lock/A Comparison
A 5 page essay that analyzes how these two works look at the social conduct of women. Alexander Pope's mock heroic epic, The Rape of the Lock, and Jane Austen's novel of English society, Mansfield Park, were written roughly a century apart, Pope in...
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C.S. Lewis/The Screwtape Letters
A 5 page essay that analyzes Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. This book is composed of letters from a senior devil residing in Hell, Screwtape, to his nephew and prot
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Katherine Mansfield/Modernism in "The Garden Party"
A 6 page essay that analyzes Mansfield's famous short story from a modernist perspective. After offering definitions of modernism, the writer discusses how Mansfield's story fits these descriptions. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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