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Academic papers on Anthropology

Bipedal Locomotion In Australopithecus Afarensis / A Study of Lucy and Lovejoy
A 7 page paper that provides an overview of the theories surrounding bipedalism and the benefits for Australopithecus afarensis, the ancestral hominids of the African savanna. This paper looks at the perspectives of Edey, Johanson, Lovejoy and a...
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A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Environment at a McDonald's
5 pages in length. The writer analytically discusses the social environment and atmosphere in a typical Mc Donald's fast food restaurant. Qualitative research on social environments is included as well. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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Observations In Cultural Anthropology
An excellent 6 page essay for those studying anthropology or certain areas of sociology. Author illustratively describes pertinent observations made about people in a Brooklyn, NYC pizzeria and the surrounding events that transpired. Several quotes...
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Cultural Anthropology / Religion & Art
A 7 page paper on how art and religion have been blended throughout known history and how this applies to cultural anthropology. The paper discusses how religion and art are means of expressing cultural beliefs, means of teaching societal norms, and...
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Cultural Differences / Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Others
A 5 page examination of the experiences one typically encounters when entering a different culture. Discusses problems such as the language barrier, food differences, dress, etc. Includes a humorous example of differences one can experience even...
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Understanding Deviance From an Anthropological Perspective
A 4 page analysis of the book Deviance: Anthropological Perspectives, Freilich, M.; Raybeck D.; Savishinsky, J., editors. The writer argues that this field of investigation has been greatly aided by the introduction of an anthropological point of...
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The Sociological Theory of Deviance is Used to Describe/Explain Gangs
In 5 pages, the sociological theory of deviance is used to describe/explain gangs. An overview of approaches explains deviant behavior of gangs. In fact, there are many criminological and sociological theories associated with gang activity. The...
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Settlement Mounds, Tells And Tepes
A 7 page overview of the formation of settlement mounds such as those found in the Mid East and the Americas constructed by aboriginal inhabitants. Discusses the mechanics of their structure and the changes which they experience over time....
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The American Jewish Experience
It is a fundamental aspect of New York life that there are enclaves of different social and class distinctions that have grown from the need of sets of immigrants to come together in a cohesive community to support and provide each other with a...
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Sociology, Culture, & Learning -- A Theoretical Examination
A 5 page essay exploring specific sociological issues: social factors involved in learning; how social structure creates social order in a culture; how social structure and culture have changed over the last 50 years. Theories are offered in terms...
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Gary Althen's 'American Ways'
An 8 page paper that provides an overview of Gary Althen's book American Ways. This paper demonstrates the way in which Althen's cultural perspective on white, middle-class America can be an important sociological tool for people from other...
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Machiavelli, Erasmus, and Pico della Mirandola On Human Nature
A 7 page paper that compares three Italian humanists and their perspectives on human nature. This paper demonstrates the way in which the independent perspectives of these three authors, though all based in ancient philosophy, create different...
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Samurai Japanese Culture
A 3.5 page research essay that describes the Samurai culture. Topics include the origins of the Samurai, their purpose, and the end of the Samurai class. But, did the spirit of the Samurai end there? Was the spirit of the fiercest warrior who...
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China & Japan/Comparing Family and Lineage
A 5 page research paper that looks at the differences and similarities between Japan and China in regards to family structure, lineage, and the treatment of women. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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Japan & China/Fine Arts
A 5 page research paper that examines the area of commonality between Japan and China. Due to the influx of Chinese culture into Japan in the fifth and sixth centuries, these two ancient cultures share quite a few characteristics in common. However,...
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