Churchill and the Bombing of Coventry
A 12 page research paper that examines the lingering controversy that still surrounds this famous German WWII bombing raid that destroyed the medieval city of Coventry, England. Some experts feel that Churchill knew of the raid in advance and...
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Lord Moran/The Anatomy of Courage
A 5 page analysis of the book The Anatomy of Courage by Lord Moran. As a young medical officer, Lord Moran observed World War I. As Winston Churchill's personal physician, he observed World War II. Therefore, Lord Moran's observations and insights...
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Winston Churchill/The Hinge of Fate
An 11 page research paper that analyzes Winston Churchill's the Hinge of Fate. Churchill, who guided Great Britain through the trauma of World War II, recorded his experience in an extensive series of personal memoirs. One of the books in this...
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League Of Nations
This 8 page paper examines the reasons for the
League of Nation's reputation of inefficiency and inability to prevent
armed conflict. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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A 6 page essay that consists of three short book reports that contrast and compare: William Brustein's The Logic of Evil; Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita; Slavenka Drakulic's Caf
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Perspectives on History/ Kaplan & Drakulic
A 5 page summation and analysis that contrasts and compares Slavenka Drakulic's Caf
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The Appeal and Growth of Buddhism in Britain.
(6 pp) When we think of historical England, the
images in our mind may vary. And there may be
anything from flashes of Robin Hood, to Richard
the third and the Crusades or even the current days
of Queen Elizabeth and her brood. One of the...
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Che Guevara/Motorcycle Diaries
A 5 page book review that examines a book based on the diaries and letters that Che Guevara wrote on a trip by motorcycle across South America in 1952. The writer argues that this volume gives glimmers of the social revolutionary that Che would...
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Science and Government Relationships in 1930s Europe
A 5-page essay on the affects of science on government in the 1930s. This paper focuses on the social and political science of Marxism and Trotskism, economic science, and physics and how these led to decisions made by Britain, Germany, Russia, and...
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Sigmund Freud And Jose Ortega y Gassett
A 7 page paper that discusses Thoughts for the Times on War and Death written by Freud in 1915 and The Revolt of the Masses, written by Gassett in 1930. The general themes of each work are presented. The writer comments on how the authors'...
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Regional Integration
European Union As An Example : This 4 page paper begins with an explanation of what regional integration means. The essay uses the European Union as an example because it has the reputation of being the most successful alliance. The positives and...
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